Results for 'Roman N. Redlikh'

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  1. Filosofii︠a︡ dukha N. A. Berdi︠a︡eva.Roman N. Redlikh - 1972
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  2. Chto takoe personalisticheskiĭ solidarizm po S. A. Levit︠s︡komu.Roman N. Redlikh - 1974 - Frankfurt/Main,:
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    (1 other version)S. A. Levit︠s︡kiĭ--filosof-solidarist.Roman Redlikh - 1972 - [Frankfurt/Main]: Posev.
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  4. Dialektika B.P. Vysheslavt︠s︡eva.Roman Redlikh (ed.) - 1973 - Frankfurt/Main: Posev.
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  5. String Theory under Scrutiny.Roman Frigg & N. Cartwright - unknown
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  6. Labor Market Characteristics and the Presence of Pre-employment Drug Screening and Employee Assistance Programs'.N. Bunt, T. C. Blum & P. M. Roman - 1990 - Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Francisco, Ca, Quoted in Ce Schwoerer, Dr Mai, and B. Rosen (1995). Organisational Characteristics and Hrm Policies on Rights: Exploring the Patterns of Connection. Journal of Business Ethics 14:531-549.
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    Review of the Monograph “Gerhard Oberhammer: Indologist and Philosopher. Part II”. [REVIEW]Liliya G. Roman, Valentina N. Putyagina & Nadezhda D. Danilova - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):470-477.
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  8. Code of Ethics for Politicians.A. Argandoña, N. Bilbeny, V. Camps, M. Calsina, Castiñeira À, C. Palazzi, F. Requejo, R. Ribera, B. Román, F. Sàez, M. Seguró, F. Torralba, Vallès Jm & R. Thomas - 2012 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 3 (3):9.
    Antonio Argandoña, Norbert Bilbeny, Victòria Camps, Miquel Calsina, Àngel Castiñeira, Cristian Palazzi, Ferran Requejo, Raimon Ribera, Begoña Román, Ferran Sàez, Miquel Seguró, Francesc Torralba, Josep Maria Vallès, Rosamund Thomas Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2012 3(3):9-16.
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    Terasses Sacrées de Bard-è Néchandeh et Masjid-i SolaimanTerasses Sacrees de Bard-e Nechandeh et Masjid-i Solaiman.Richard N. Frye & Roman Ghirshman - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (1):82.
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  10. Klasy normalne i nienormalne a teoriomnogo'sciowe i mereologiczne poj¸ ecie klasy. Z bada'n nad poj¸ eciem klasy. II.Roman Suszko - 1968 - Studia Logica 22:85-97.
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    Theories of consciousness from the perspective of an embedded processes view.Nelson Cowan, Nick I. Ahmed, Chenye Bao, Mackenzie N. Cissne, Ronald D. Flores, Roman M. Gutierrez, Braden Hayse, Madison L. Musich, Hamid Nourbakhshi, Nanan Nuraini, Emily E. Schroeder, Neyla Sfeir, Emilie Sparrow & Luísa Superbia-Guimarães - 2025 - Psychological Review 132 (1):76-106.
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    Difficulties and Perspectives of Parametrical Conception of Language.A. V. Paribok, R. V. Pskhu, G. V. Zashchitina, L. G. Roman & N. N. Danilova - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):340-348.
    The article looks into the issues, outlined in M. Baker's The Atoms of Language: The Mind's Hidden Rules of Grammar. This work is notable for the parametric theory of the languages, set out in it, according to which languages are different, nevertheless retaining the ability to be compared. That can be further supported by the assertion that the differences among languages are determined by "a smallish number of discreet elements, called parameters."What is more, the diversity of language reveals a certain (...)
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    Love as Evidence for the Truth and the Humanity of Faith: A Roman Catholic Perspective on the Significance of "Caritas" in the Life of the Church.N. Mette - 2009 - Christian Bioethics 15 (2):107-118.
    The article summarizes and critically analyzes the encyclical letter of Pope Benedict XVI “Deus Caritas est.” This document discusses “diaconia” in the Roman Catholic Church in view of its biblical and theological foundations, its characteristics, and the position of works of mercy within the general self-understanding of the church. In going beyond the text, the author emphasizes the political dimension of church-based charity, the need to respond to the challenge of the principle of solidarity by contemporary neoliberal tendencies, and (...)
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    Popüler Roman ve Türk Halk Hik'yeciliğinde Ortak Unsurlar.Mustafa Gülteki̇n - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):409-409.
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    Romanın Varoluş Serüveni.Gülseren Özdemi̇r - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):1281-1281.
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  16. Good People and Bad Faith: A(n open) Letter to John Dowell.Roman Briggs - 2020 - Last Post 1 (4):89-107.
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    Irrat︠s︡ionalʹnostʹ obshchestvennogo soznanii︠a︡ rossii︠a︡n: monografii︠a︡.Roman Georgievich Ardashev - 2021 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo Rossiĭskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ sot︠s︡ialʹnyĭ universitet.
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    Art in Roman Britain Claire Lindgren: Classical Art Forms and Celtic Mutations. Figural Art in Roman Britain. Pp. xii + 148; 2 maps, 3 tables, 2 flow-charts, 15 figures, 96 black-and-white plates. Park Ridge, N.J.: Noyes Press, 1980. $24. [REVIEW]N. B. Rankov - 1982 - The Classical Review 32 (01):78-79.
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    La interpretación de las leyes y la doctrina de Francisco Suárez.Román Riaza - 1925 - Madrid,: Tip. de la "Rev. de archivos, bibliotecas y museos".
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    Habermas, lecteur de J. L. Austin : L’illocution et la perlocution dans le modèle communicationnel.Sébastien Roman - 2016 - Philosophiques 43 (2):441-464.
    Sébastien Roman | : Dans la Théorie de l’agir communicationnel, Jürgen Habermas élabore pour la première fois le modèle communicationnel, dans l’intention d’en faire la norme de toutes les pratiques langagières. Pour ce faire, il recourt aux analyses austiniennes sur l’illocution et la perlocution, dont il propose une réinterprétation qui prétend parvenir à leur donner un sens adéquat, et les distinguer clairement. Le présent article fait l’examen critique de cette prétention, et démontre que la pragmatique formelle habermassienne n’est pas (...)
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    Índice de fragmentos sobre Panecio y su correspodencia en las distintas ediciones.Román García Fernández - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 117:171-195.
    Se presenta un índice de los fragmentos atribuidos a Panecio y su correspondencia con los distintos editores: Fowler (1885), Straaten (1952), Alesse (1997) y Vimercati (2004).
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    Eschatology and messianism in the final period of the Roman republic.N. A. Mashkin - 1949 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (2):206-228.
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    Nous, Machiavel et la démocratie.Sébastien Roman - 2017 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
    Il est commun, aujourd'hui, d'associer la démocratie au consensus, et ce d'une double manière : d'une part en admettant qu'elle est le meilleur régime politique possible, d'autre part en considérant que l'accord vaut intrinsèquement mieux que le désaccord, et l'entente que le conflit: La qualité de la démocratie tiendrait à ses débats publics, qui à la fois rendent possible la confrontation des points de vue, tout en y mettant fin par l'obtention de consensus éclairés et légitimés par la règle de (...)
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    Conocimiento y comunicación.Manuel Rodríguez Caamaño & Román Reyes (eds.) - 1989 - Barcelona: Montesinos.
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    Le Marxisme et la philosophie du langage: essai d'application de la méthode sociologique en linguistique.M. M. Bakhtin, V. N. Voloshinov, Roman Jakobson & Marina Yaguello - 1977 - Paris: Les Editions de Minuit. Edited by M. M. Bakhtin.
    Au milieu du bouillonnement intellectuel des années vingt en U.R.S.S., Mikhaïl Bakhtine, philosophe et critique littéraire, sʹinterroge sur les rapports entre lʹidéologie, le langage et le psychisme. Refusant la dichotomie saussurienne langue / parole, qui vide la pratique linguistique de sa substance, il affirme la nature sociale du signe et pose les fondements dʹune linguistique de lʹénonciation en tant que manifestation sociale et non individuelle. Au signe figé, réduit à nʹêtre quʹun "signal", il oppose le signe mouvant, changeant, arène où (...)
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    Euphony and Logos: Essays in Honour of Maria Steffen-Batóg and Tadeusz Batóg.Roman Murawski & Jerzy Pogonowski (eds.) - 1997 - Rodopi.
    Contents: Preface. SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF MARIA STEFFEN-BATÓG AND TADEUSZ BATÓG. List of Publications of Maria Steffen-Batóg. List of Publications of Tadeusz Batóg. Jerzy POGONOWSKI: On the Scientific Works of Maria Steffen-Batóg. Jerzy POGONOWSKI: On the Scientific Works of Tadeusz Batóg. W??l??odzimierz LAPIS: How Should Sounds Be Phonemicized? Pawe??l?? NOWAKOWSKI: On Applications of Algorithms for Phonetic Transcription in Linguistic Research. Jerzy POGONOWSKI: Tadeusz Batóg's Phonological Systems. MATHEMATICAL LOGIC. Wojciech BUSZKOWSKI: Incomplete Information Systems and Kleene 3-valued Logic. Maciej KANDULSKI: Categorial Grammars with (...)
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    Countably perfectly Meager sets.Roman Pol & Piotr Zakrzewski - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (3):1214-1227.
    We study a strengthening of the notion of a perfectly meager set. We say that a subset A of a perfect Polish space X is countably perfectly meager in X, if for every sequence of perfect subsets $\{P_n: n \in \mathbb N\}$ of X, there exists an $F_\sigma $ -set F in X such that $A \subseteq F$ and $F\cap P_n$ is meager in $P_n$ for each n. We give various characterizations and examples of countably perfectly meager sets. We prove (...)
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    Tractatus 6 Reconsidered: An Algorithmic Alternative to Wittgenstein's Trade-Off.A. Roman & J. Gomułka - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):323-340.
    Wittgenstein's conception of the general form of a truth function given in thesis 6 can be presented as a sort of a trade-off: the author of the Tractatus is unable to reconcile the simplicity of his original idea of a series of forms with the simplicity of his generalisation of Sheffer's stroke; therefore, he is forced to sacrifice one of them. As we argue in this paper, the choice he makes – to weaken the logical constraints put on the concept (...)
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    The History of the Jews in the Greco-Roman World: The Jews of Palestine from Alexander the Great to the Arab Conquest. By Peter Schäfer.N. H. Taylor - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (6):1040-1040.
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    Działalność filozoficzna Jakuba Ortiza SJ (1564-1625) w Polsce i na Litwie.Roman Darowski - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 4 (1):234-234.
    Jusqu'a nos jours, il n'existait dans la litterature qu'un nombre restreint de mentions et de brefs articles sur Ortiz. Dans cette etude, mon propos est de presenter d'abord les etapes de la vie d'Ortiz, en me basant avant tout sur les sources manuscrites de son epoque, puisees dans les Archives Centrales des Jesuites a Rome. Je donnerai ensuite une description de son oeuvre philosophique et j'exposerai ses conceptions philosophiques principales. Ortiz fut egalement un theologien; son activite dans ce domaine depasse (...)
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    L'activité philosophique de Diego Ortiz (1564-1625) en Pologne et en Lituanie.Roman Darowski - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 4 (1):219-234.
    Jusqu'a nos jours, il n'existait dans la litterature qu'un nombre restreint de mentions et de brefs articles sur Ortiz. Dans cette etude, mon propos est de presenter d'abord les etapes de la vie d'Ortiz, en me basant avant tout sur les sources manuscrites de son epoque, puisees dans les Archives Centrales des Jesuites a Rome. Je donnerai ensuite une description de son oeuvre philosophique et j'exposerai ses conceptions philosophiques principales. Ortiz fut egalement un theologien; son activite dans ce domaine depasse (...)
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    Neurobiology and the Good: Is It Possible to Make a Person Moral?Roman Belyaletdinov - 2020 - Sociology of Power 32 (2):87-103.
    With the discovery of the possibility of neurobiologically and genetically interpreting the actions of a moral agent, the issue of the status of morality returned to applied ethics with renewed vigor. The biotechnological understanding of society as a whole has been a long-running trend in technoscience and can be considered as a transgression of (bio-) technologies into the sphere of ethics. The essence of the conflict between bio-conservative ethics and techno-oriented utilitarians lies in the plane of violation of the fundamental (...)
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    Technology Roman and Islamic Water-Lifting Wheels. By Thorkild Schiøler. Odense: Odense University Press, 1973. Pp. 201. No price stated. [REVIEW]N. A. F. Smith - 1975 - British Journal for the History of Science 8 (2):179-179.
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    Claire Elizabeth McIlroy, The English Prose Treatises of Richard Rolle. (Studies in Medieval Mysticism, 4.) Woodbridge, Eng., and Rochester, N.Y.: Boydell and Brewer, 2004. Pp. x, 212. $70. [REVIEW]Christopher Roman - 2006 - Speculum 81 (2):560-562.
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    The Audience of Ammianus Marcellinus and the Circulation of Books in the Late Roman World.Darío N. Sánchez Vendramini - 2018 - Journal of Ancient History 6 (2):234-259.
    Since the late nineteenth century, studies of Ammianus’ audience have reached widely divergent conclusions. Research has focused on two opposed theses: while some scholars have seen the pagan senatorial aristocracy as the audience of the Res Gestae, others have assigned that role to the imperial bureaucracy. However, in thinking that a work could reach—or target—exclusively the members of a specific social group, the prevalent views on Ammianus’ audience contradict what we know about the circulation of books in the late (...) world. In contrast to previous research, this study proposes a new approach based on an analysis of the information available on book circulation in Ammianus’ time. This analysis shows that the audience of the Res Gestae was most likely socially diverse. (shrink)
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    Esthétique et ontologie de l'œuvre d'art: choix de textes 1937-1969.Roman Ingarden - 2011 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Philosophe polonais et disciple d'Edmund Husserl, Ingarden envisage la relation a l'oeuvre d'art comme une experience menee dans un echange reciproque et continu avec l'objet. Il defend ainsi une esthetique qui n'est ni purement subjectiviste en ce qu'elle n'est en rien reductible aux sentiments emotionnels d'un sujet, ni purement objectiviste en ce que les determinations reelles et materielles de l'oeuvre donnee exigent la participation intentionnelle du spectateur pour s'accomplir en manifestation intuitive concrete. Objet intentionnel par excellence, l'oeuvre d'art se tient (...)
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    Repertorio bibliográfico de investigación estética.Román de la Calle - 1986 - [Valencia]: Fundación Edivart.
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    1980 Yılı Türk Romanının Tematik Olarak İncelenmesi.Murat Turna - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):2431-2431.
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    Greek Chronography in Roman Epic: The Calendrical Date of the Fall of Troy in the Aeneid.A. T. Grafton & N. M. Swerdlow - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (01):212-.
    The last chapter of Politian's first Miscellanea dealt with the amica silentia lunae through which the Greeks sailed back to Troy . He argued that the phrase should not be taken literally, as a statement that Troy fell at the new moon, but in an extended sense, as a poetic indication that the moon had not yet risen when the Greeks set sail. This reading had one merit: it explained how Virgil's moon could be silent while the Greeks were en (...)
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    L'œuvre architecturale 1945.Roman Ingarden - 2013 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    English summary: As part of his research on the ontology of art, Roman Ingarden (1893-1970) analyzed architecture as an art form through the successive approaches of ontology, esthetics, and phenomenology. This is one of the first texts from the Husserlian school of phenomenology to examine architecture, and is also an excellent example of Ingardens esthetics. French description: Dans le cadre de ses recherches consacrees a l'ontologie des oeuvres d'art, Roman Ingarden (1893-1970) se confronte a la realite architecturale et (...)
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    XVII. Yüzyılda Polisiye Romanın İzleri: N'bî'nin Hayr'b'd'ı.Nilüfer Tanç - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):1491-1491.
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    El concepto de naturaleza en Juan de Santo Tomás (Juan Poinsot, 1589–1644). Relación entre filosofía y teología.Román García Fernández - 2021 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 101:385-410.
    Se realiza una valoración crítica de la aportación de Joan Poinsot, más conocido como Juan de Santo Tomas (1589-1655), raíz de la publicación de La naturaleza y las causas a cargo del destacado académico Juan Cruz Cruz. A pesar de que se trata de la edición de una pequeña parte de la Philosophia Naturalis, más conocida como Cursus Philosophicus, de Juan de Santo Tomás, concretamente de las “cuestiones” IX a XIII. Se establece un semblante de Juan de Santo Tomas y (...)
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    Alfons Wouters: The grammatical papyri from Graeco-Roman Egypt. Contributions to the study of the ‘Ars grammatical’ in antiquity. (Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, 92.) Pp. 336; 21 plates. Brussels: Koninklijke Academie, 1979. Paper, 2,000 B. frs. [REVIEW]N. G. Wilson - 1982 - The Classical Review 32 (1):116-116.
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    Oriental Catholic Churches: The History of Origins and the Current State.N. M. Madey - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 15:35-42.
    The study of the historical path of the development of Christianity from the time of its occurrence and to this day makes it possible to conclude that at all stages of the existence of this religion for her was characterized by the division into separate directions and branches, which led to a struggle between them. The whole history of Christianity is a multitude of divisions, conflicts and heresies. But there is no doubt that the evolutionary process of the development of (...)
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    Феномен конфесійної ідентичності в українському суспільстві.N. M. Madey - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 50:216-222.
    Any study of the religious situation in Ukraine always faces one problem - the lack of detailed information on the number of believers of a particular denomination. The most recent census did not include the question of denominational affiliation, as it was considered a violation of the principle of freedom of conscience. The only officially recognized statistical unit we have is the religious community. Approximate number of adherents of a particular denomination is given by the results of sociological research. However, (...)
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    Reviews :Minnis, Alastair. Magister Amoris: The "Roman de la Rose" and Vernacullar Hermeneutics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp. 352. [REVIEW]N. D. Guynn & D. F. Bell - 2004 - Substance 33 (3):171-180.
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    The Poetics of Derek Walcott: Intertextual Perspectives.N. Gregson Davis - 1997 - Duke University Press.
    The essays collected in this issue offer complementary critical perspectives on the mature lyric work of Derek Walcott, the acclaimed Nobel laureate from the Caribbean island of St. Lucia. The centerpiece of the ensemble is a previously unpublished essay in which Walcott’s reflections on poetics illuminate his project in the masterpiece, _Omeros._ Other contributions by literary scholars in North America and the Caribbean focus on fundamental dimensions of Walcott’s craft and on such thematic preoccupations as the intersection of pictorial and (...)
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  48. Chapter I the late Roman empire from the antonines to Constantine.Louis Wilken & N. Y. Crestwood - 2010 - In Lloyd P. Gerson (ed.), The Cambridge history of philosophy in late antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2--983.
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    Liberty in Hume’s History of England.N. Capaldi & Donald W. Livingston (eds.) - 1990 - Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    LIBERTY IN HUME'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND In his own lifetime, Hume was feted by his admirers as a great historian, and even his enemies conceded that he was a controversial historian with whom one had to reckon. On the other hand, Hume failed to achieve positive recognition for his philosophical views. It was Hume's History of England that played an influential role in public policy debate during the eighteenth century in both Great Britain and in the United States. Hume's Hist01Y (...)
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    A Note on BΣn and an Intermediate Induction Schema.Zofia Adamowicz & Roman Kossak - 1988 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 34 (3):261-264.
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